Monday, December 20, 2010

Microsoft Security Essentials licence limitation

Microsoft Security Essentials is available for small businesses with up to 10 PCs. ... Read More

- Kelvin Eldridge

Vimeo Video School

I haven't had time to fully check out the Vimeo Video School site but I hope to over the holiday season. I'm a fan of people learning to create and DIY. Whilst I make my living effectively selling time, I have no problem passing my knowledge on to clients.

If you have time to check out the site ( let me know what you think.

Producing a quality video isn't as easy as it sounds, but perhaps with a few tips you can produce videos at a level you're happy with.

Kelvin Eldridge

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Apple iPhone wholesale cost (price)

So the entire $US178.96 ($181.48) estimated wholesale cost of the shipped phone is credited to China... Read More

- Kelvin Eldridge

Welcome to the Online Connections blog.


My name is Kelvin Eldridge and I'm the owner of Online Connections, an IT consultancy/support company. I've recently redesigned my site and added this blog to keep clients and readers informed on IT matters.

I hope you find my blog useful.

Kelvin Eldridge