Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Alert: Tax Agent Report - Delayed Tax Returns

Received an email today with the subject “Tax Agent Report - Delayed Tax Returns”. This email has an attachment “” which contains malware. You should delete this emails.

Kelvin Eldridge
Call 0415 910 703 for computer support.
For helpful information regarding viruses and malware check the MyAnswers virus solution page.


  1. Thanks Kelvin for the alert. The file was huge, 24kb zip file.

  2. Thanks Kevin - why isn't anybody else reporting it yet? Google search brings up nothing else!

    1. I have a strong presence on the internet which enables me to help clients with their internet presence. It also has the side effect of sending a lot of malware/scams my way very early on. When possible I put out an alert early which hopefully helps some people.

      Thanks to those for taking the time to say thanks. Much appreciated.


  3. I clicked the file attached.
    What will happen to my PC?

    1. If you think you may have infected your computer you should contact your computer support person.


  4. Wish it was that easy. Checking a sample five of the emails I received and where they came from are: India, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and USA. I'd guess they're probably being sent out by infected computers but can't really say. Some things could be controlled better but some things are much more difficult.

    Unfortunately in terms of who is going to fall for it, sadly given the volume of emails sent it only requires a small percentage for the emails to have acheived the desired result. Not good.


  5. Thanks Kelvin - stumbled upon this post before I had time to open the file. The email was in my junk folder to begin with, which was pretty suspicious and you helped to confirm my suspicions.

    Thanks again!


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