Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Internet Explorer versions reaching end-of-life on January 12, 2106.

Most users keep their Internet Explorer up to date and install the latest version. However for those who haven't moved to the latest versions, this quite old page on the Microsoft site is a good reminder.

On the 12th of January 2016, only Internet Explorer 9 on Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1 Update will receive updates. Since the prior versions of Internet Explorer won't receive updates they should be consider security exposes.

You also have the choice of using a different browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox and the lesser used Opera browser.

Microsoft's strategy appears to be to push people off older versions of software (E.g. Windows XP, Internet Explorer) with the aim of them taking up newer software from Microsoft. From what I'm seeing in my logs this strategy has significantly impacted Microsoft.  Google wisely decided to support roughly 300 million Windows XP users that were abandoned by Microsoft and that appears to be have good for Google.

According to the Netmarketshare site Internet Explorer (all versions) has around 53% market share and Google Chrome around 26%. My own logs which are for 80% Australian users shows Google well ahead of Microsoft. Perhaps it's just what my sites focus on, or it could be we have a different profile to overseas users. For my dictionary site Internet Explorer is 29% and for my Petrol Cost Calculator (which has roughly half mobile users) Internet Explorer is only used by 12% of visitors. Google Chrome is 37% and 42% respectively for my sites.

The reason for sharing these stats is to show many people are making the decision to move to Google Chrome. If Microsoft stops providing support, we at least have alternatives at this point in time.

More importantly though, this post is about making sure if you decide to keep using Internet Explorer, then make sure you're using the latest version that is supported.

Kelvin Eldridge
Call 0415 910 703 for IT support.

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