Monday, March 25, 2019

SMS messages appear in Messenger

A person recently was very confused. They'd sent messages using SMS and to their surprise the messages were in Messenger, leading them to wonder if they'd sent the messages using Messenger by mistake.

The person hadn't made a mistake. They had sent and received the messages using the default SMS client on their mobile phone.

The problem for them is for no apparent reason and through nothing they believed they'd done, the SMS messages now also appeared in Facebook Messenger. Since they'd never before appeared in Facebook Messenger, this made them wonder if they had errored and sent the SMS message in Messenger. They hadn't.

The problem is something had changed. Whether through their own mistake or perhaps just as likely, an update to Messenger, SMS messages were now appearing in Messenger and that to them was confusing.

This is simple to fix. You can turn of SMS integration in Messenger through the Messenger settings.

Once the setting is turned off in Messenger, SMS messages no longer appear in Facebook Messenger.

Keeping messages separate helps those not as comfortable with technology. If messages appear to have been sent from Messenger when they haven't, this can create confusion. People often have trouble distinguishing between the various messaging technologies on their mobile. Keeping each application separate helps them grow and learn their applications. When they're ready and they want to, then they can start integrating their messaging into their preferred application, or simply continue using the applications separately. Their choice.

Kelvin Eldridge
IT support.

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