Sunday, December 8, 2019

Can't play 0xc00d36c4 The file isn't playable - Windows 10 Photos app

On opening a video created from a dashcam I received the message: "Can't play. This file isn't playable. That might be because the file type is unsupported, the file extension is incorrect, or the file is corrupt. 0xc00d36c4".

What was unusual is I'd already used over a hundred dashcam videos created in exactly the same way for my site Speed Camera Locations.

Whilst not ideal, I was able to get around the problem by opening the video using the VLC Media Player. I then created a new video from the VLC Media Player when I could then open and view in the Windows 10 Photos app. The next problem is even though I could view and edit the video, I wasn't able to save the edited video.

Since the end result I wanted was an edited video on YouTube that is trimmed at the start and end I decided to upload the saved video to YouTube and perform the editing on YouTube instead. It took a bit of time working out how to edit a video on YouTube but I got there and the problem was solved. The section of the video I wanted was now showing on YouTube.

I suspect there was a glitch in the video Windows 10 Photos couldn't handle, and whilst not ideal, using VLC Media Player and YouTube's editing features I was able to obtain the outcome desired.

Kelvin Eldridge

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