I have to admit I checked out silicon seals on eBay some time ago but never got around to buying them. Perhaps that should have told me something. As I was walking through Aldi there they were. A pack of three stretch silicon seals. I purchased a pack and couldn't wait to try them out.
Well I think I got my moneys worth. I had my wife in fits of laughter watching me trying to put the three different seals onto various objects. She told me a friend of hers had purchased some silicon seals and they'd also entertained others in their house. In other words, if you think silicon seals is the answer to Gladwrap then you like me, will be sadly disappointed.
I did manage to get the biggest silicon seal on a large bowl, but everything else I tried I failed.
My verdict, give stretch silicon seals a miss. I will keep trying to see if I can do better, perhaps with two of us trying we might have a better chance.
Update: 4 July 2022
OK. I persisted. I noticed there were small dots on the silicon which I thought was interesting. I couldn't tell which side so I decided to try having the writing up so I could read it correctly. All of a sudden I was having more success. Still an effort, but perhaps I have the knack now. Who would have thought one side or the other makes a difference and there's no mention of that on the packaging. Here's my first successful use of the largest of the three silicon seals.
Hopefully I'll have more success in the future. This is what I wanted the silicon seal for. Covering left overs so I could them in the fridge.