It appears a lot of people are getting caught out with in app purchases costing them a lot of money.
The approach App developers use, is to give away an app for free and then charge for things as you use the software. It may be additional levels or items for use in the game.
The result is people who want a freebie instead of paying a dollar or two for a paid app, can end up spending tens of dollars or even more. So much for getting a free app.
In particular parents may end up getting charged for their children's in app purchases when using their phone.
You can turn off in app purchases and avoid unexpected costs.
Go to Settings, General, Restrictions and this section you can enable restrictions (you need to enter a pin number which you should record somewhere) and then you can disable in app purchases. Whilst In this section I'd suggest changing the setting for requiring a password ( for purchases) from 15 minutes to every time.
The iPhone defaults are set up to make money for Apple and the developers and you foot the bill. Change the default settings and you are again in control.
OK. My favourite tip. Switch on airplane mode whilst playing games. That way games which are free but use advertising, cannot download ads which may cost you money on your phone plan by using your data. It also stops in app and additional store purchases, but it isn't controlled with a pin, so children can easily change it back to off.
The main thing to know is you have a number of techniques available to assist you in not incurring very costly additional charges, sometimes in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
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