Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Microsoft Outlook uses American English in subject field when Australian English is the default setting.

Sometimes you see strange things when using computers. Ultimately it is simply someone has programmed something unexpected. Recently I noticed when I typed the word flavour, which was spelt correctly for Australian English, into the subject field of a new email in Outlook, the word flavour was marked as a spelling error.

I've not seen this before and I can't help feeling it's a recent change. The subject field is being checked using American English (which isn't correct) and the body of the email is being tested against Australian English, (which is correct).

I can only feel this is a recent change and a mistake by the programmer/s. I'm sure once they realise they'll patch the program and fix the issue.

NOTE: I did have US English installed with Australian English as the default. Removing US English made no difference.

At this time, the only way around this issue if you wish to make sure the subject of your emails is spelt correctly, would be to write the subject in the body of the message and then cut and paste the text into the subject field.

Kelvin Eldridge
IT support.

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